Rule Number 1- You must have your broom between your legs at all times!
Rule Number 2- While you may use almost any force necessary to bring down an opponent, if a move is deemed too violent, such as grabbing someone by the throat, or blatantly punching someone, then you may incur a penalty of up to 60 seconds.
Rule Number 3- Have fun!
Quidditch Pitch:
Oval Shaped boundary that is 48 yds. long and 33 yds. wide with two sets of 3 elevated hoops at each end.
The white ball that is used to score, must be thrown through one of the three hoops to get 10 points for your team.
The dodge balls that are used for defense. If you hit an opponent with a bludger they have to run back to their side of the field and run around their hoops before they can enter play again. Also, if a player is hit with a bludger while carrying the quaffle, they must immediately drop the quaffle before running back.

Snitch (right):
Person dressed in gold with a tennis ball hanging from behind them. These people are typically fast runners and have strong evasive skills. The object is to take the tennis ball from them. However, the snitch can do whatever is necessary to avoid getting caught, including but not limited to punching, wrestling, throwing, tripping, taunting, headbutting, and even slapping. When the snitch is "released" at the beginning of each match he is allowed to run anywhere he wants and as far away from the pitch that he wants.

3 Chasers:
These players must take the Quaffle and throw it through the opposing team’s hoops.
Objective: To score 10 points by shooting through hoops
2 Beaters(left):
These players throw the Bludgers at opposing players.
Objective: Hit the opposing players forcing them to stop play until they run back to their side of the pitch
1 Keeper:
This player is responsible for defending his team’s hoops and preventing the other team from throwing the Quaffle through them.
Objective: Stop the other team from scoring
1 Seeker(right):
This player’s job is to chase down the Snitch Runner and remove the Snitch from his/her back. At any point during the match, if the seeker catches the snitch runner and retrieves the gold ball, the match is over.
Objective: Catch the snitch for 30 points and end the game.